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Executive Director's Message
We strongly believe that cognitive maturation of child occurs in different domains of knowledge.Each child is equipped with the acquisition of the ability to think abstractly and draw conclusion from the information available.
A Word To Parents In this ever changing world, we seldom think rationally and the result being that we are always the last passengers to board the fight! We speak of modernisation and think proudly to be in the 21st century never giving a second thought whether we are in the changes, In fact we are too bold to accept the fact that there is still so much to lear, We have to make strong commitments to remove our mistakes and accept reality. It is only then that our society and our country will be put into gear to surpass the present ups and downs, We being Indians, it is our prime duty to help the ignorant ones and to realize problems like illiteracy and communalism, The young generation is easily shadowed by westernization and ends up forgetting he rich cultural heritage of our country. When a child fails to redeem his/her honour; he/she might either become aggressive or turn introvert and therefore proper psychiatric treatment and counseling is needed to be given by the teachers and the parents whether at home or at the school level, The teachers should be confident of their subject teaching and they should take up teaching as a profession with full devotion and dedication in order to impart proper education in true sense of the term. I strongly support Mr. Shiva Khera’s slogan "Education the MIND without MORALS creates a MANIAC in the society”. Hence, a great effort is needed for the upliftment of the all round development of a student. “Time and tide waits for none", keeping this in view, we should try to procure the best and forget the rest.
Our endeavour is to extend this ability to develop significant,formal,reasoning,social and personal identity in them so that they become well informed,caring and responsible members of the society.To make our school a blissful place,we focus on stress free learning evironment. We organize interactive discussions to help students to learn and apply concepts in different contexts and develop critical thinking. Our efforts are diverted to provide effective new technology and the environment to the students to enhance their different skills. We start our day with morning-prayer and meditaion which create serene atmosphere for the students and the teachers to remain focused and vibrant throughout the day.We believe in blending students with activities imparting holistic education.As we deal with young minds, we are filled with the hope that we will bring about a change in attitude and shall fulfill our responsibility of delivering to each home the message of freedom and prosperity of life and light. With clear vision and steady steps we shall march forward. Each member of the staff is playing an active role in nurturing creativity including a scientific temperament among the students and preparing them to be able to become global leaders of tommorrow.
With best regards
Mr. Sandeep Jaiswal